(I'd ditch them in a New York minute!)
The social media toolkit for people who make their living on social. Our team continues to add facets to the social media toolkit that is already the world’s most automated, user-friendly and the most integrated into your existing work-flow. Our aim has never wavered: the maximum views, engagement and link click-throughs on everything you share socially.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Kickstarter >> Mission Dolores Mural: 39 Days to Complete a 7-Year Project
This will only begin a much larger project: we aim to revitalize, beautify and historically enrich the Mission District of San Francisco.
Please see the latest, as in the San Fransisco Sentinel http://www.sanfranciscosentinel.com/?p=109826
Wednesday 23rd of February 2011
Local Artists to Resurrect Hidden 18th Century Mural - Mural Project to beautify San Francisco Mission District
22 February 2011
Seven years after the rediscovery of a hidden mural, concealed for over 200 years in the Mission Dolores Church in San Francisco, local Mission artists are partnering with the Mission Community Market to recreate the mural on Bartlett Street in the Mission.
“We’ve found the location, we’ve found the artists, now we’re looking for commission money,” explains Ben Wood, the artist who originally brought the “Mission Dolores Mural” to the modern world’s attention in 2004.
“Eric Blind and I were able to digitally photograph a large section of the mural without moving the altar. It’s quite extraordinary,” he said.
The replication of a section of the Native American-painted mural will be about 20 feet wide by 5 feet tall, and include original art around it by notable local muralists. Jet Martinez, Ezra Eismont and Bunnie Reiss hope to begin painting this March to kick off a new mural gallery on Bartlett Street, part of the community improvements organized through the Mission Community Market.
“We’ve all got different styles so that should make it visually interesting,” says Martinez. His website reveals that his “work, conceptually, can be summed up as an obsession with nature, pattern and color.
The history of the mural dates back to 1791 when Spanish missionaries converted Native peoples to Catholicism. The exposure of this art will allow historians and the public easy access to the mural. “It’s significant because its shows the relationship between the Ohlone and the Franciscans in the period of first contact. It is evidence of their collaboration,” Wood explained. Mission Dolores curator, Andrew Galvan has also described the mural as, “the best-preserved example of art from the period of first contact with Europeans”. The mural is the original decoration from the old mission’s first altarpiece.
We hope to find experts at audio curation to collaborate and make the mobile app audio guide for the piece.
The Mission Community Market (MCM) director, Jeremy Shaw, has worked with local building owners to revitalize Bartlett Street, starting with this historic mural. “This block of Bartlett Street has unlimited potential to demonstrate that a street can be a community space. The Mission Dolores Mural is the perfect first step in that direction. This mural will tell one of San Francisco’s oldest stories in a very public space. The neighborhood and MCM are very excited to see it come to life.”
Shaw sees this as the first of many street improvements the Mission Community Market can implement to address community concerns and create a positive public space for the neighborhood. MCM is currently raising funds for these improvements as well as community programming at the market. MCM will resume its Thursday afternoon program of fresh produce, street food, local crafts, music and after-school programs on April 14th, 2011.
Wood says supporters can donate to the mural project at kickstarter.com and receive free thank you gifts like posters and prints, or they can make tax-deductible donations at missioncommunitymarket.org/p/donate.
“Kickstarter is fantastic. It’ll let people donate small amounts and stay connected to our progress,” says Wood. “This is an amazing story and treasure that we’re going to preserve and expose for all to enjoy. We need to raise a minimum of $8,300 to paint the mural.” But the collaborators are aiming for $14,000 so the artists can fully invest their time in re-creating the mural’s most intricate details, work with an Ohlone apprentice, purchase high quality materials and have the budget to maintain the mural.
Supporters who step up and pledge $2,000 or more get all of the goodies plus receive a signed copy of the book “Mission Dolores, the Gift of St. Francis” by former curator Guire Cleary, receive a video of the unveiling event, and be a VIP Guest at the unveiling ceremony and given the honor of cutting the ribbon,” says Wood.
WHAT: The re-creation of San Francisco’s oldest mural for public view. Online fundraising campaign through kickstarter.com.
•Mission San Francisco de Asis is the oldest surviving structure in San Francisco. Inside it is a mural painted by Ohlone artists in 1791 under the supervision of Spanish Missionaries.
•Hidden from public view for over 200 years, it is San Francisco’s Oldest Mural.
•Ben Wood and Eric Blind rediscovered and digitally documented the mural in 2004.
•This project will transform their digital documentation into a physical public mural in the heart of the Mission District.
•The project will recreate a significant piece of Native American and California history as part of a neighborhood revitalization project with the Mission Community Market, blocks away from the original mural in Mission Dolores.
•The project is raising awareness and funds on kickstarter.com
WHERE: The site of the weekly Mission Community Market. On the Mission Market building at 85 Bartlett Street at 22nd St.
WHEN: Fundraising now, Paint in March, Opening in April.
Saul Fleischman is assisting with PR and social media marketing. Contact saul@osakabentures.com or Tweet @osakasaul
ヴィジアル・マーチャンダイジング・ディスプレイ - Saie's WORKS @saie_design
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Quora vs. StackExchange: Reputation Measurement
What I have been saying for the last eight months: "Right now we only have ad-hoc measures to determine online reputations: LinkedIn’s recommendations, Twitter users’ following:followers ratio, third-party influence measurements a la Topsy, and raw friend/follower/connection counts. That last is the crudest and least useful, which is why Facebook itself isn’t really built for reputation measurement. Quora, however, is a serious contender, if they get their PeopleRank algorithm right." (TechCrunch)
Thursday, February 17, 2011
#paper.li からの内容です。詳しいこと、英文ですが http://osakabentures.com/2010/12/cosmetics-not-yet-in-japan/ #tokyo #amplify
** Just today, now featuring Vivienne Westwood!
Follow S&E Ltd. @SAYAandERIKO
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2011年02月17日 木曜日
Read more at paper.li
Revitalizing #SanFran #Mission District #Twitter X #Quora X #Kickstarter @SacredMural #Klout
This mural is not simply art, but a sacred device to connect the numerous groups of native people with the divine. Icons depicted, images of a heart pierced by a sword and a heart pierced by three daggers, may represent the sorrowful mother Mary and her son Jesus, designed suitably for this mission which lay on the banks of the stream, "Our Lady of Sorrows Creek", once located at Albion and Camp Street. The mural could be considered a visual prayer that embodies the key messages and tenets of the doctrine of Catholicism. It's a montage of both the native California Indian religion and the religion brought to them by the friars. The native California people brought their own world view to beautify the church.
A twenty by five foot section of the original art will be faithfully recreated as a permanent mural and piece of public art for all to see. Using over 250 photographs that were captured in 2004 by lowering a camera on a rope-and-pulley system behind the altar, the top section of the mural will be reproduced with the same colors, abstract decorative patterns and designs that exist in the original. It will include a rendering of the niche, or recessed cove, abstract decorative designs and two hearts, encircled by golden bands. Jet Martinez, a co-organizer of the Clarion Alley Mural project, had had the wall in mind for his own Oaxacan-inspired mural design. He helped propose the idea of the mural to Mission Community Market organizer Jeremy Shaw. Meanwhile Megan Wilson, advocated for recent "Laser Ca" muralists Bonnie Reiss and Ezra Li Eismont as perfect artists for the project. Jeremy Shaw obtained permission from the property owner and the project has now been made possible.
What are the details of Ed Lee's plan to revitalize the mid-Market neighborhood of San Francisco?
At the corner of Bartlett and 22nd Street, next door to Revolution Café
and just one block from Artists Television Access, a mural is being
planned for the Mission Market exterior wall.
This spring three local muralists will start painting a mural that has
not been seen in this area since the 1790's when Franciscan Friars, at
the newly built Mission Dolores, had the mural painted by native
Two young men, one an artist, the other an archaeologist, crawled over the ancient redwood beams of San Francisco, CA Dolores earlier this month, opened a trap door, lowered an electric light into a space behind the main altar -- and stared into the 18th century. There, in a space thick with the dust of centuries and dark as a tomb, is a wall of nearly forgotten religious murals, painted in red, black and yellow by Native Americans in 1791 and hidden from public view for 208 years.
Bartlett Street recently a venue for a new, weekly outdoor community
market of fresh foods and community activities is located between 21st and 22nd street. The location of the mural at the site of a community market is a direct way of sharing the unknown mural with the diverse population frequenting Mission Market each week. It will be a long-term attraction for artists, historians, tourists, and community members alike.
The Dolores mural will be accompanied by a contemporary mural designed by Jet Martinezto sympathetically integrated within the building's façade, as well, acting as a guardian of the sacred mural. Decorative motifs found throughout the old mission will also be used to unify to two murals. A descriptive legend will retell the story.
People involved expect this first mural to only 'open the door' for other mural projects, led by Ben Wood (et al) to be launched in The Mission (San Francisco neighborhood) District, and are just about to - this week - launch the Kickstarter Crowdfunding campaign to raise the minimal project costs needed.
Read more at www.quora.comIn Twitter, the project is @SacredMural and media coverage Ben and his group have include these articles, already published (more in the works), by category/topic:
California Missions
MIT Media Lab
Los Angeles Times
U.S. Senate
http://www.othercinema.com/other... Saul Fleischman • Delete • 3:01pm
Centuries-old murals revealed in Mission Dolores / Indians' hidden paintings open window into S.F.'s sacred past - SFGate
So, Ben is 23? According to the article, he is.
This is a beautiful project, and I am so happy to be working with Ben on the PR and social media promotion.
See us in Kickstarter, please, and pass on the link -> https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/missiondoloresmural/mission-dolores-mural-revealing-sfs-hidden-history
Quora's Two Greatest Challenges
This is my guest post today on @ginidietrich's Spinsucks.com. I know we've discussed Quora here on Amplify a bit. Can't help but wonder how big Amplify would be if it got the hype from Tech Crunch, etc, that Quora has?
** I love Joe's (and who he quotes) take on "gated communities." Yes, Joe, I think we will be going that way. However, I am still down with Quora. Getting much from it, daily.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
San Francisco Crowdfunded Mural @SacredMural
I am working with Ben Wood on PR and social media for the Mission Dolores mural project, which aims to recreate a 1791 Catholic church mural which has not been seen, buried underground for over 200 years. My first move with the project was to convince the project leader not to ask 1-2 wealthy benefactors to quietly fund the project, but rather, to crowdfund it: Kickstarter. From speaking with Ben, and learning about the initial media coverage he had already garnered, and the Wikipedia page he had started, I understood immediately that he is PR-savvy, but just needed to understand the value to himself and all other contributors to the project of crowdfunding.
Freelance video artist Ben Wood and archaeologist Eric Blind discovered the hidden 18th-century mural at Mission Dolores in 2004, and they thought to restore the mural digitally. Only a 20-by-5-foot section of the 32-by-20-foot mural can be photographed; wood beams prohibit access to the lower portion.
Painting this unique mural tells an incredible story and would be a major attraction to the Mission Market in San Francisco's Mission District. This site, by Ben Wood tells the story: http://www.missiondoloresmural.com/
Saturday, February 12, 2011
LinkedIn Skills Beta
LinkedIn Launches "Skills" Product in Beta | WebProNews http://bit.ly/gQ3v8D
Will this even come close to Gild.com, which actually tests and certifies you?
See my Gild profile and certifications: http://www.gild.com/members/640EF0F8-saul-fleischman
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Getting Creative With #Quora API
Brilliant ideas, one and all for building on Quora.
Quora de-anonymizer
Given an anon answer or question, come up with guesses for who that anonymous user would be.
Quora stalker
Given a Quora users id, build a detailed profile of a person and figure out exactly who they are.
Am I Smart or not ?
Develop "smartness" leaderboard of posters across the entire site.
Quora weighted upvotes
Given an answer, display all the answers in a weighted upvote centric manner rather than a flat upvote manner.
Run some kind of PageRank algorithm across users to assign them weights to upvotes, then present answers in a weighted upvote manner rather than a flat "one vote per answer" manner.
Take Quora API, stir in social graph until thoroughly mixed: 60% Twitter, 30% Facebook, 5% LinkedIn and other to taste.
Blend in PostRank (company), and Disqus API spiked with Klout API - just like choc bits.
Pour into into a nicely arranged Widget container and bake until minimally viable product.
Sprinkle with a touch of UI panache and mobile ready condiment.
Serving suggestion: Deliver it PubSubHubbub style through a hotbed of a QwikiSuggest EditsSuggest edits to the author of this answer:Quoraecipe
Take Quora API, stir in social graph until thoroughly mixed: 60% Twitter, 30% Facebook, 5% LinkedIn and other to taste.
Blend in PostRank (company), and Disqus API spiked with Klout API - just like choc bits.
Pour into into a nicely arranged Widget container and bake until minimally viable product.
Sprinkle with a touch of UI panache and mobile ready condiment.
Serving suggestion: Deliver it PubSubHubbub style through a hotbed of a Qwiki
- Users relationship graph
- Votes per user per topic studies
- "Who should you recommend that question to ?"
- "Who is a quality poster on your question's topic ?"
Selectively subscribe to/post Quora Q&As on topics of interest for particular clients as a curation service?Read more at www.quora.com
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Wordpress X #Ping.fm X Tumblr Acrobatics
Set Context:Done
- Question Context
- WordPress
- Tumblr
- No Context
- Type to search for topics
- Suggested Topics
WordPress Plugins Topic
685 followers WordPress Themes Topic
491 followers WordPress eCommerce Topic
15 followers- WordPress MU Topic
Jared Brickman, Designer/DeveloperDesigner/Developer WordPressDoubtful. The only thing I can think of is analyzing the Tumblr backup file and the WordPress database to see if you could port the data between the two: http://www.tumblr.com/goodies
Good luck!Suggest EditsSuggest edits to the author of this answer:Doubtful. The only thing I can think of is analyzing the Tumblr backup file and the WordPress database to see if you could port the data between the two: http://www.tumblr.com/goodies
Good luck!Justin Whitaker, ConsultantTumblr does not have any robust blog importing tools. I'm hoping that's a feature they add at some point, maybe in response to competition from Posterous.
There are some sneaky ways of getting around this, though.
1) Use the snipplr.com PHP script to import from Wordpress to Tumblr via the APT. This can be hit or miss, depending on your formatting.
2) Use the Tumblrize WP plugin to cross post all of your posts.
This is a kludgy hack around the problem, but you can specifiy a Tumblr post type for each WP entry, so that could be useful. The plugin is supposed to keep your sites in sync, so dates, tags, etc. should carry over.
3) You can feed Tumblr your Wordpress blog via RSS. No idea how well this works, and it only allows you to select a limited number of post types (Text, Photos, etc.).
4) If you have a small number of posts (<40), you may want to do it by hand. I had one small blog that I did that with. Not the most time efficient solution, but you can select tags, dates, formats quite easily that way.
Keep in mind, none of these will bring any comments/trackbacks/etc. with them.
Hope that helps!Suggest EditsSuggest edits to the author of this answer:Tumblr does not have any robust blog importing tools. I'm hoping that's a feature they add at some point, maybe in response to competition from Posterous.
There are some sneaky ways of getting around this, though.
1) Use the snipplr.com PHP script to import from Wordpress to Tumblr via the APT. This can be hit or miss, depending on your formatting.
2) Use the Tumblrize WP plugin to cross post all of your posts.
This is a kludgy hack around the problem, but you can specifiy a Tumblr post type for each WP entry, so that could be useful. The plugin is supposed to keep your sites in sync, so dates, tags, etc. should carry over.
3) You can feed Tumblr your Wordpress blog via RSS. No idea how well this works, and it only allows you to select a limited number of post types (Text, Photos, etc.).
4) If you have a small number of posts (<40), you may want to do it by hand. I had one small blog that I did that with. Not the most time efficient solution, but you can select tags, dates, formats quite easily that way.
Keep in mind, none of these will bring any comments/trackbacks/etc. with them.
Hope that helps!Answers Pending Review
Luke Burford, 4 years designing and building WP sitesI tried this recently (from a WP 3.x install) :
but it didn't work :(Suggest EditsSaul Fleischman, helping Japanese companies do busines...Edit BioA better thing to do is Tumblr-share or Ping.fm-share your Wordpress blog. Look at the options in Tumblr and Ping.fm to select Facebook accounts, pages, groups, and Twitter accounts, Posterous blog, Google and Yahoo updates, etc. to share to.
Lastly, consider Amplify for sharing - with an added comment - blog posts, and pages throughout the web (I will do it with this one, from Can I migrate my WordPress blog to Tumblr? ) to accounts that you designate in Amplify. With Amplify you also have an each-time option to pick and choose the share options that you already installed, as well as a handy feature which allows you to highlight page sections to Amplify (share) - rather than sharing entire URL contents (pages, as-is). This is sometimes the better thing to do. Also see How does Amplify work?EditA better thing to do is Tumblr-share or Ping.fm-share your Wordpress blog. Look at the options in Tumblr and Ping.fm to select Facebook accounts, pages, groups, and Twitter accounts, Posterous blog, Google and Yahoo updates, etc. to share to.
Lastly, consider Amplify for sharing - with an added comment - blog posts, and pages throughout the web (I will do it with this one, from Can I migrate my WordPress blog to Tumblr? ) to accounts that you designate in Amplify. With Amplify you also have an each-time option to pick and choose the share options that you already installed, as well as a handy feature which allows you to highlight page sections to Amplify (share) - rather than sharing entire URL contents (pages, as-is). This is sometimes the better thing to do. Also see How does Amplify work?Notify Question Followers About Edit
Saul Fleischman, helping Japanese companies do busines...Edit BioA better thing to do is Tumblr-share or Ping.fm-share your Wordpress blog. Look at the options in Tumblr and Ping.fm to select Facebook accounts, pages, groups, and Twitter accounts, Posterous blog, Google and Yahoo updates, etc. to share to.
Lastly, consider Amplify for sharing - with an added comment - blog posts, and pages throughout the web (I will do it with this one, from Can I migrate my WordPress blog to Tumblr? ) to accounts that you designate in Amplify. With Amplify you also have an each-time option to pick and choose the share options that you already installed, as well as a handy feature which allows you to highlight page sections to Amplify (share) - rather than sharing entire URL contents (pages, as-is). This is sometimes the better thing to do. Also see How does Amplify work?EditA better thing to do is Tumblr-share or Ping.fm-share your Wordpress blog. Look at the options in Tumblr and Ping.fm to select Facebook accounts, pages, groups, and Twitter accounts, Posterous blog, Google and Yahoo updates, etc. to share to.
Lastly, consider Amplify for sharing - with an added comment - blog posts, and pages throughout the web (I will do it with this one, from Can I migrate my WordPress blog to Tumblr? ) to accounts that you designate in Amplify. With Amplify you also have an each-time option to pick and choose the share options that you already installed, as well as a handy feature which allows you to highlight page sections to Amplify (share) - rather than sharing entire URL contents (pages, as-is). This is sometimes the better thing to do. Also see How does Amplify work?Notify Question Followers About Edit
Tumblr does not have any robust blog importing tools. I'm hoping that's a feature they add at some point, maybe in response to competition from Posterous.
There are some sneaky ways of getting around this, though.
1) Use the snipplr.com PHP script to import from Wordpress to Tumblr via the APT. This can be hit or miss, depending on your formatting.
2) Use the Tumblrize WP plugin to cross post all of your posts.
This is a kludgy hack around the problem, but you can specifiy a Tumblr post type for each WP entry, so that could be useful. The plugin is supposed to keep your sites in sync, so dates, tags, etc. should carry over.Read more at www.quora.com
3) You can feed Tumblr your Wordpress blog via RSS. No idea how well this works, and it only allows you to select a limited number of post types (Text, Photos, etc.).
4) If you have a small number of posts (<40), you may want to do it by hand. I had one small blog that I did that with. Not the most time efficient solution, but you can select tags, dates, formats quite easily that way.
Keep in mind, none of these will bring any comments/trackbacks/etc. with them.