Friday, December 30, 2011

A good guest posts lands your article...

A good guest posts lands your article on page one of Google (get in on it!)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Talkin' Klout Perks: who gets 'em, wh...

Talkin' Klout Perks: who gets 'em, what the ir worth and what they cost >
Fascinating to me is that while the Klout employee whose bio states that he “works on Klout campaigns,” Clayton Su wont touch answer a simple question on the cost of a Perk, and then, while CEO and Co-Founder Joe Fernandez and Megan Berry (Klout’s Marketing Manager) are quite active in Quora – when it suits their purposes – neither will address this open question (within Quora) How much do Klout Perks cost a business? (There's a convenient link to that question in my blog post - so you can check on it.)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Drummond Reed, Chairman of Connect.Me...

Drummond Reed, Chairman of Connect.Me tells you how to apply become a Trust Anchor in Connect.Me. (And why we'd want to.)
Talk with him directly - in the comments on this just-published blog post. I would greatly appreciate that. (Naturally, you'd want to check out his info on how to apply to be a Trust Anchor before asking him about it, but also, welcome to ask how he thinks Connect.Me will stand against Kred, Klout, etc. Tough questions are the best, right?)

** I would SO much appreciate your likes and sharing to your sharable-people on this one. ESPECIALLY this one. Thanks, in advance :-)

For SU-sharers and other network sharers, a one-on-one freebie from me: g-talk or SKYPE me and let me help you tweak your Connect.Me profile (so you build rep where you want it, not just on any old subject.) Happy to help you, my blog-promotion "team players."

And I thank you,


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What a story: a shocking patent attac...

What a story: a shocking patent attack on a pre-seed startup Modista.
Modista is an unbelievable idea that would have revolutionized online shopping.

Imagine shoe-shopping... where you drag sliders to change colors and even the shape of shoes - and the system then searches for products similar to what you would want >

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

You can control-freak a community htt...

You can control-freak a community

It actually works for some. Provide clearly stated comment guidelines so users know the rules and what you expect of them. Stress that you’re looking for thoughtful, friendly contributions. Include a lot of do’s in this list, not necessarily a lot of don’t's. Erase all traces of comments that are not perfectly aligned with your thinking – to ensure that you become regarded as either a force to be reckoned with or a control-freak. If the value you offer is great enough, many will actually tolerate control freak-lead online communities.

Provide comment system with tools that inherently encourage value-adding participation.

• Voting buttons, to move best comments up/the less useful comments down – as we see in Quora.
• Grant star commenter status to just a few usual suspects. Let them know you will do this before you actually do – so you can roll out the starring very gradually. When site admins highlight regular commenters, it makes these users feel appreciated and motivates other users to want that status too. (Credit: Dino Dogan)
• If you can, recommend your biggest supporters somewhere. Bonus points for doing this somewhere important, such as in LinkedIn, and especially, for doing so before they ask you to. (Credit: Samantha Bangayan)
• Facebook Connect and Google to provide avatars and identities (a tag-line, perhaps) – as we see in third party apps in Facebook, creating sub-communities and enticing us to join by allowing us to pull profile data from LinkedIn and sometimes other intra-network apps.
• Provide the opportunity for users to create profile pages. This allows you and other community members to see a user’s history of activity, bio, and when the profile page has a discrete URL, some may even use it in their, LinkedIn, and other important networks/pages where they can include such profile pages.
Invite experts

Topic authorities who can be enticed to join your conversation and answer questions get real attention. If you can seed an online community it with known experts, you not only raise the quality of discussions that they lead, nearly all commenters will tend to bring out their best game, and put more thought into the comments they provide.
Promote users and the very best individual contributions.

Users appreciate recognition for thoughtful and witty contributions. Find a way to showcase such commenters to the community (talk about a user/s comment/s in a follow-up blog post or create a module somewhere that you can update with new comment/user highlights). It will provide motivation to other users and give the community an indication of what you consider quality. When its positive, it always pays to do this publicly, rather than with a personal thank-you email.

I like what Quora is doing, in recognizing community members who provide valuable answers, comments, posts, complete profiles (okay, Quora doesn’t do enough to prompt people to do this, truth be told), and moderation. Perhaps your favorite Mashable or HuffPost for encouraging our participation. What comment functions or moderation “tone” does your favorite online community provide that inspires you to contribute and keep coming back?

Topic authorities who can be enticed...

Topic authorities who can be enticed to join your conversation and answer questions get real attention. If you can seed an online community it with known experts, you not only raise the quality of discussions that they lead, nearly all commenters will tend to bring out their best game, and put more thought into the comments they size it!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Friends have been sharing "Proposed F...

Friends have been sharing "Proposed Facebook Buttons" Here are my suggestions - what would keep Facebook open on my PC: But what would you like in your Facebook? What buttons and functionality would make Facebook less of a time-kill for you?

Saturday, December 3, 2011

A guest post from THE man behind Circ...

A guest post from THE man behind CircleMe Making Web Content Relevant: CircleMe

Guest post from Giuseppe D’Antonio / CircleMe
Building on the Social Web

A few months ago, I embarked in a project which has become more and more engaging and exciting as the weeks progress. With my partner Erik Lumer, we have been working hard in the development and distribution of a product called CircleMe, which Saul quickly spotted on his radar just less than a month from our public release, on October 4th, 2011. Our vision with CircleMe is to create an online environment where users can take advantage of technology and the social web to enjoy more their passions and interests in life (i.e., their “likes”).
Social Graph Power

The way we want to achieve this is by asking users to “connect” to the things and topics they love, and then CircleMe will leverage clever algorithms along with the power of the social graph to surface relevant content and new items tailored to each user. To get there, we need to move gradually. The first step has been to create an engaging environment where users can easily express all their ‘likes’ and discover (in a serendipic way) new things of potential interest. Then, as activity increases, we will have enough data to reach the goal to surface relevant content in a timely fashion for any interested user.
OsakaBentures Access

If you would be interested to give CircleMe a try, feel free to click on this link to get granted access to the system. We hope you will find the CircleMe experience unique, engaging and useful.
Instant Access (no invite needed): Just for OsakaBentures Readers

Of course the project is quite ambitious, but with a strong team behind it and a gradual approach, we have already seen good progress in these seven weeks since launch.
CircleMe Bookmarklet and Public Item Pages

And today we are releasing two key features which I believe will continue to improve the overall offering of CircleMe: the “CircleMe Bookmarklet” and the “Public Item Pages”. Below you will find some details with a quick & dirty video tutorial that will show you how to take advantage of our “CircleMe Bookmarklet” feature.

I am certain that in the future more and more we will all need to easily access personalized and relevant content, easily filtering out the rest; even today we are often overwhelmed by the content we are able to access (in ‘push’ or ‘pull’ modality). We are working hard in combining sophisticated recommendation technologies with social curation logics so that relevant content can reach users when most appropriate. As the months go by, we hope to be able to deliver on this promise, while offering a fun and engaging experience to our user base.

The CircleIt! Button (our bookMarklet): with the CircleMe bookmarklet, any CircleMe user will be able to “carry” CircleMe functionality with them across the web. The bookmarklet is easily installed on the browser and allows any user to interact with web content at the time of consumption, by making an association with CircleMe content. With the bookmarklet, a user can create a new “like” in CircleMe, related to the item that is being discussed in that specific page visited. The user can also create a ‘CircleMe story‘ by quickly associating this page URL to the CircleMe item that is most appropriate for this story; finally, the app allows to create a “to do” activity (i.e., bookmarks something so the user can put it in a list of things to get done) related to the specific thing being read about. [Example: the user is on a news site, and reads an article of Bruce Springsteen's next concert in London. She clicks on the CircleMe bookmarklet, identifies Springsteen's item that she likes, and associates a Story and a "To-Do" to this item, triggering the creation of a task to complete in relation to the singer coming into town.

Public Item Pages: from today, all items in CircleMe, which are the content cards that the users connect to (expressing a transparent "interest" for them) are public to access. The total number of items is close to 1 million. This way, all these items will also be accessible by users not yet signed in CircleMe. Any internet-user will be able to see the details related to the item, including picture, description, comments, associated stories related to the item. While we hope that many more users will sign-up after seeing the interesting content shared in CircleMe, this way any internet citizen can take a peak at what is inside CircleMe.