Monday, January 31, 2011

Men and women, truly different. #Jblogs tell me I'm wrong, in #quora

My latest #Quora post

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What's your answer? What is different about men and women, and what makes women such monsters - especially after we marry them
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The difference between men and women

The difference between men and women
I like the Chris Rock answer: A single man sees a nice couple, and thinks, 'I gotta me a girl just like her'; a single woman sees a nice co

Sorry, @scobleizer #Quora is not your playground #jblogs

Brilliant post from Dan Kaplan beginning with:

So Robert Scoble, it seems you don't like the heat. In the bygone days of what feels like ten minutes ago, you, the ubiquitous tech evangelist, larger-than-life personality and Rackspace blogger, couldn't stop gushing about how great Quora was. Was Quora, you asked in the halcyon age of last December, the biggest blogging innovation in 10 years? Of course it was. Back in them days and throughout January, you could post answers to a wide range of questions and your ardent Twitter followers could up-vote them en masse and each up-vote and congratulatory comment could generate that awesome squirt of dopamine in your brain. Wasn't it grand?

See how this plays out, comments coming in by-the-minute...

See Robert's Quora activity :

Pester me with inane, snarky, and even thoughtful questions right here:

My take on Quora:

This is a Quora "post," not Q&A. To get started with Quora posting, see

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Sorry, Scoble, Quora is not your playground

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Sorry, Scoble, Quora is not your playground
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"This used to be my playground. This used to my childhood dream. This used be the place I ran to...whenever I was in need."


So Robert Scoble, it seems you don't like the heat. In the bygone days of what feels like ten minutes ago, you, the ubiquitous tech evangelist, larger-than-life personality and Rackspace blogger, couldn't stop gushing about how great Quora was. Was Quora, you asked in the halcyon age of last December, the biggest blogging innovation in 10 years? Of course it was. Back in them days and throughout January, you could post answers to a wide range of questions and your ardent Twitter followers could up-vote them en masse and each up-vote and congratulatory comment could generate that awesome squirt of dopamine in your brain. Wasn't it grand?

But, my, how quickly these things can change.

This morning, after seeing some of your favored Quora answers down-voted into oblivion and experiencing the anonymous sting of an overzealous reviewer, you decided to lash out. ( Quora, you wrote, was "a horrid service for blogging." Sure, you said, "it's fine for a QA site, but we have lots of those." As if to administer a finishing move, you added that Quora's competitors are actually bigger and better and badder – especially Stack Exchange, where "the answers are broader in reach and deeper in quality."

Well, sorry, Scoble, Quora is not your playground.

You see, back in the way-back days for Quora, around the time you wrote the site off as another "damn thing on the internet," (Remember those days? Robert Scoble's answer to Why isn't Robert Scoble on Quora?) the community/reviewer/admin nexus was quite good at ensuring that the highest quality answers were the ones at the top. But when you decided that Quora would actually be an excellent place to exercise your influence, the Scoble Effect kicked in. And while the Scoble Effect can be a wonderful thing for a startup – see Flipboard – in a finely balanced ecosystem like Quora's, it has landed like a Category 5 hurricane.

This is not really your fault: Quora's auto-follow logic was not built for edge cases like yours – cases that have 125K+ followers attached to their social graphs. The logic that made early Quora's on-boarding experience so effective has transformed your Twitter army into your Quora horde. And this horde has been rampaging like a bunch of 12th Century Mongolians.

These raiders, insensitive to the cultural norms of the civilization they are pillaging, give you up-votes despite your fluffy rambling, despite the showy photos and links to yourself that you stuff into your answers, despite the names you drop with utterly rabid aplomb. They vote up your shit because that's what hordes do when they are yours.

The consequence has been a number of prominent questions where your answers rise to the top, leaving the objectively more sophisticated answers languishing below the fold.

Well, Robert, no civilization likes to be raided by Mongols. On a long enough horizon, its constituents will develop better defenses, build bigger alliances and do what they can to mitigate the damage from the raids.

Sometimes, in the rush to combat the chaos, a reviewer or two will get out of line. And the fact that he or she can anonymously shut down a popular answer with no clear means of recourse is surely unfair. But Quora is young, yet, and the minds behind the site are hard at work designing a salve for its growing pains.

Until the salve can be applied, I implore you: tame your ego, chill out with the fluffy rambles, the photos and the naked self-aggrandizement. Exercise restraint. You may find that community will stop treating you as a hostile Khan, pillaging its frontiers from the Social Media Steppe. It may even come to embrace your presence, sending you up-votes as tribute for your newly peaceful disposition and the positive attention your bring to the site.

This post was cross-posted from The Quora Review (
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"This used to be my playground. This used to my childhood dream. This used be the place I ran to...whenever I was in need."


So Robert Scoble, it seems you don't like the heat. In the bygone days of what feels like ten minutes ago, you, the ubiquitous tech evangelist, larger-than-life personality and Rackspace blogger, couldn't stop gushing about how great Quora was. Was Quora, you asked in the halcyon age of last December, the biggest blogging innovation in 10 years? Of course it was. Back in them days and throughout January, you could post answers to a wide range of questions and your ardent Twitter followers could up-vote them en masse and each up-vote and congratulatory comment could generate that awesome squirt of dopamine in your brain. Wasn't it grand?

But, my, how quickly these things can change.

This morning, after seeing some of your favored Quora answers down-voted into oblivion and experiencing the anonymous sting of an overzealous reviewer, you decided to lash out. ( Quora, you wrote, was "a horrid service for blogging." Sure, you said, "it's fine for a QA site, but we have lots of those." As if to administer a finishing move, you added that Quora's competitors are actually bigger and better and badder – especially Stack Exchange, where "the answers are broader in reach and deeper in quality."

Well, sorry, Scoble, Quora is not your playground.

You see, back in the way-back days for Quora, around the time you wrote the site off as another "damn thing on the internet," (Remember those days? Robert Scoble's answer to Why isn't Robert Scoble on Quora?) the community/reviewer/admin nexus was quite good at ensuring that the highest quality answers were the ones at the top. But when you decided that Quora would actually be an excellent place to exercise your influence, the Scoble Effect kicked in. And while the Scoble Effect can be a wonderful thing for a startup – see Flipboard – in a finely balanced ecosystem like Quora's, it has landed like a Category 5 hurricane.

This is not really your fault: Quora's auto-follow logic was not built for edge cases like yours – cases that have 125K+ followers attached to their social graphs. The logic that made early Quora's on-boarding experience so effective has transformed your Twitter army into your Quora horde. And this horde has been rampaging like a bunch of 12th Century Mongolians.

These raiders, insensitive to the cultural norms of the civilization they are pillaging, give you up-votes despite your fluffy rambling, despite the showy photos and links to yourself that you stuff into your answers, despite the names you drop with utterly rabid aplomb. They vote up your shit because that's what hordes do when they are yours.

The consequence has been a number of prominent questions where your answers rise to the top, leaving the objectively more sophisticated answers languishing below the fold.

Well, Robert, no civilization likes to be raided by Mongols. On a long enough horizon, its constituents will develop better defenses, build bigger alliances and do what they can to mitigate the damage from the raids.

Sometimes, in the rush to combat the chaos, a reviewer or two will get out of line. And the fact that he or she can anonymously shut down a popular answer with no clear means of recourse is surely unfair. But Quora is young, yet, and the minds behind the site are hard at work designing a salve for its growing pains.

Until the salve can be applied, I implore you: tame your ego, chill out with the fluffy rambles, the photos and the naked self-aggrandizement. Exercise restraint. You may find that community will stop treating you as a hostile Khan, pillaging its frontiers from the Social Media Steppe. It may even come to embrace your presence, sending you up-votes as tribute for your newly peaceful disposition and the positive attention your bring to the site.

This post was cross-posted from The Quora Review (
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1 Comment12:03pm

To be fair, at least one of his answers was collapsed erroneously, and that's not fair for anyone on Quora.

His reaction was overly retalitory, and instead of writing Quora off, he could have rallied his followers to adopt the kind of deep participation and contributions that have up to this point made Quora the exceptional community that it is.


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Japan Stifling its Economy - by Screwing its Own Youth

Japan Stifling its Economy - by Screwing its Own Youth

“There is a feeling among young generations that no matter how hard we try, we can’t get ahead,” said Shigeyuki Jo, 36, co-author of “The Truth of Generational Inequalities.”

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Anyone notice? No Facebook SHARE link on this! Facebook to let advertisers republish user posts - Yahoo! Finance

They're reaming us yet again...

a good school has a lot of clout.. but want about @Klout? The Most Influential Colleges on Twitter

#Klout shares the top 10 schools by @Klout score

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Watch out US News and World Report, there’s a new ranking system in town. Does your college have Klout?

In all seriousness, Twitter influence is a revealing metric for colleges.The most influential ones must be both tech-savvy enough to have a well managed Twitter account and have the most influential professors, alums, and others engaging with them.




So nice, promoting my people with this Twitter Mag. See it yet? Want in...?

Please advise me on how to improve my "follow-me" wordpress plugin

Please advise me on how to improve my "follow-me" #wordpress #plugin

See it on, from any of the pages within the site, and check out the roll-over affect for the 'Follow-Me' thing, please? Advice? I actually want one-click to follow me on any of those services/SNS. Ideas most welcome - comment on the blog, even?

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Where can I get tiny thumbnails (like those used in ReTaggr) for the different SNS, to use with "Follow Me" WP plugin?

Where can I get tiny thumbnails (like those used in ReTaggr) for the different SNS, to use with "Follow Me" WP plugin?
However, where do we pick up tiny thumbnails (like those used in ReTaggr) for the different SNS? See 'Services and Profiles' of myRetaggr to see what I mean:
Otherwise, on, from any of the pages, check out the roll-over affect for the 'Follow-Me' plugin, please and advise what to do? Also, would be great if the Twitter and FB, Quora links actually followed me - rather than simply leading to my profile. Ideas are sought!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What is your favorite bartering social media platform, and why?

I need a solid SNS to use with a documentary director - who is tech-savvy, but has never invested the time that we have with social media. What I use regularly for language corrections (I get Japanese / give English) is; not direct trades, but rather, you correct a few random users' entries, and generally can get your "weak" language entries corrected within hours. I want something like this - but not for copywriting/editing, but rather for work in general. For the documentary director, I hypothesized that a documentary could be produced nearly completely through bartering. However, finding the people with the time and the skills and ownership/cheap access to the video/sound/lighting/editing deck+software/etc. would be a tough challenge. If there is an SNS for skils/work bartering, I am ready to study it. In fact, I asked about this in my latest favorite toy, Quora.

Quora is on fire, folks. I have suggested Quora to several KdL members who I especially look out for, and I see already that I am not alone in being active in Quora. It is great to get questions answered, but also offers lessons to us all, if you spend the time with Quora, in watching how Quora develops functionality - through its growing pains - and also, simply to learn from the brilliant questions that others ask and answer.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Emily's experience!

Some excellent tool suggestions for #nonprofits via @ericaholt on Waxing Unlyrically

These are excellent suggestions for non profits to include in their tool kit. This is a partial clip, click through to check out the full descriptions and commentary.

Do you have any suggestions that could be added to this list? The objective is to find tools that are very cost effective or free that will greatly help non-profits. I think #amplify could be added to the list. A group Amplog would be a great way to share ideas and resources.

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1. Mobify

Given the huge uptake in mobile web use, you know by now that if your site isn’t optimized for mobile devices, you are likely missing out on opportunities left and right to connect with your audiences.

But creating a well-designed mobile version of your site from “scratch” can cost you in expensive programming time.

2. Google Grants for Google AdWords

Google offers $10,000 per month free advertising to qualified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations serving the arts, education, health, science, technology, and volunteering.

The ads run through the Google AdWords pay-per-click advertising program and can be used to solicit donations, recruit volunteers, promote events, and more.

3. Animoto

Animoto has become a popular tool for magically creating professional looking videos with no budget, no camera, and little technical skill.

It couldn’t be easier to produce an Animoto video. You simply load images, text, select music, and wait about 10 minutes while Animoto whips up a video that looks like these.

4. Donor Tools

Donor Tools is one of many, many non-profit fundraising and outreach donor management systems. Why do I like it? It’s extremely affordable, newish but not beta, web-based, and offers simple functionality for those looking for just the basics in managing donations.


via @lancesh Social CRM article. "What companies r looking for"

via @lancesh Social CRM article. "What companies r looking for"

Thanks, Lance.

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Social CRM has become part of the mainstream discussion.  There is an 800 page book on it (the 4th edition of my book, CRM at the Speed of Light), it has use cases (the Altimeter Group's report, released in March 2010, "The 18 Use Cases of Social CRM"). There was even a Social CRM Magic Quadrant released by Gartner in June 2010, where it was announced that Social CRM was to be a $1 billion segment of the CRM market in 2011 - a tad optimistically I think. 

Whether or not you have a decided opinion on your definition of SCRM or not, the reason that vendors are being forced to respond to upward pressures from the market with what has been called social CRM functionality and features is not because of the companies that want SCRM but because the customers of those potential prospects want to engage more than ever with the companies that they are purchasing from and they are conversing about those companies in the channels that the companies don't control. What companies are looking for then, are:


Quora Morphs From Adolescence to Hot Property

LinkedMedia's Lee Traupel and I see eye-to-eye on Quora, and this is a great blog post to read.

Monday, January 24, 2011

5 reasons you need to be on Twitter; once you get that, do it right in Quora

5 reasons you need to be on Twitter; once you get that, do it right in #Quora

Twitter for building credibility? Used to be so; I would know encourage people to look into the dynamics of Quora. Great thigs happening in there, for expertise recognition, as well as engaging people.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The pub is the fabric of Britain’s community | Lang-8

The pub is the fabric of Britain’s community | Lang-8

Excellent post - especially since I love the UK for her pub community lifestyle.

In Japanese only, from my blog: reaction to an angry client - on their blog

クライアントに怒られました大阪弁チャーズ | 大阪弁チャーズ


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Twitter Gets Sued For Letting Famous People Interact Online

Twitter Gets Sued For Letting Famous People Interact Online

I'm filing my patent on this << via Warren Whitlock

Tokyo Gold Vending Machine Vies With Drinks, Lingerie - Bloomberg

Ah, but read the article - to see the nearly doubling of the current gold price that this guy is selling gold for. Crazy, eh? How can it then be a good investment?!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How Small Businesses Can Use Quora

How Small Businesses Can Use Quora

No matter what your question, Charlie Cheever, Adam D'Angelo, and the Quora team are confident you'll find an expert answer on their site.

Do you use Quora? Should you use Quora? As we begin the new year, I felt like it makes sense to set aside some time each week to take a look at technology that is new, generating interest, or represents a step forward in the online world.

In the last couple weeks Quora has become the trendy pick as a breakout site for 2011. Traffic increased tremendously in December but then more than doubled again in early January per information released on Quora this week from Quora engineer Albert Sheu.

At this point, it is being used by many as another site to try to demonstrate knowledge in a particular space much like LinkedIn Answers, Twitter, and other sites in the hopes that it will attract followers or potential business. Some have been more active for some time and are seeing good results based on their experience. Profile names do appear in the URL and in title tags for the site, offering a chance that participation could positively impact your online footprint and search results. Users are able to receive votes and support for well thought-out answers which creates a potential for greater recognition as an expert in a field but I expect the value to vary widely depending on the industry and the critical mass of your target audience that converts to using this new tool.

The question-and-answer site Quora is a big deal. It has some powerful supporters, with early content posted by a diverse group of digerati from Steve Case to Robert Scoble. It’s the talk of the media (see Google Trend of the word Quora). There are weekly articles on how Quora will be bigger than Twitter.

Look into it, maybe ask me a direct question Quora?

Check out my Quora "About," and ask me - oh, whatever - in #Quora

Using a number of languages? Tatoeba: see their #prezi video @fransgaard @dallarosafran @socialgreg #KdL #in

At its core, Tatoeba is a large database of example sentences translated into several languages. But as a whole, it is much more than that. See what's happening now - from their site, available in eleven languages (sorry, no Danish).

687903 sentences so far - 153K in Japanese!

The more contributors there are, the more useful Tatoeba will become! Besides, by contributing, not only you will be helpful to the rest of the world, but you will also get to learn a lot.

6 Small Things You Can Do When You Lack Discipline | zen habits

We all need to recharge our gung-ho every now and then.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

beefing up again for us: SKYPE

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Skype agrees to buy California based mobile video company, Qik

Internet calling company, Skype, announced its plans to buy the mobile video company, Qik, on Thursday.

Skype Chief Executive Tony Bates speaks at the Verizon press conference on the opening day of the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas on Thursday. Skype announced it would buy the mobile video company, Qik, Thursday.

Rick Wilking/Reuters



Associated Press /
January 8, 2011

Internet calling and messaging service Skype SA said Thursday it agreed to buy Qik, a provider of mobile video software and services, for an undisclosed sum.

Skip to next paragraph

Redwood City, Calif.-based Qik lets people capture, store and share video over mobile devices, the Web and desktop computers. The deal is expected to close this month.

The Qik service is available on more than 200 mobile phones running the Android, iPhone, Symbian, BlackBerry and Windows Mobile platforms, Skype said.

About 124 million people use Skype each month on average, though the total number of registered users is more than four times that.

The company, best known for its free or cheap Internet-calling service, already offers video call services.

But the Qik deal adds recording, sharing and storing capabilities to Skype's product offerings.

Skype made the announcement on the first official day of the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.


#FF on Steroids, the "set-up" tweet

You'll need to see my answers in #Quora to see where I am going with this...

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#FF core #KdL group communicators @fransgaard @socialgreg @AyPee @kevinriley generous to a fault #in

Mentioned in this Tweet

  • fransgaard

    Robert Fransgaard


    Location: HSBC, Canary Wharf, London

    Creative Director and Senior UX Consultant for Capgemini's UK RDV team who's thumb is rarely seen more than 2 inches away from the nearest 'Tweet now' button.

  • AyPee

    Arthur Partridge

    Location: Woking 50km S.West of London

    Possibility StrategistⒸ Trainer & Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistics. Hypnotic Practitioner. Life & Personal & Business Coach & Trainer. NLP House PartyⒸ

  • SocialGreg

    Gregory C Viloria

    Location: San Francisco, California, USA

    Gregarious Social / Product Marketing Professional アメリカ市場向けソーシャルメディアマネージャー Experience in Japan 日本 Market;サンフランシスコ、カリフォルニアに住んでいます。

  • kevinriley

    Kevin Riley


    Location: Osaka, Japan

    Infopreneur working from the sunny Product Creation Labs in Osaka, Japan

Friday, January 7, 2011

Help me engage-the Japanese?

Where and how should I engage Japanese small companies & startups that might need someone to handle their overseas business? (You know, the English stuff, eh?)

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Where and how should I engage Japanese small companies & startups that might need someone to handle overseas business (sourcing, export marketing/sales, distribution and licensing negotiations, etc.)?

Where and how should I engage Japanese small companies & startups that might need someone to handle overseas business (sourcing, export marketing/sales, distribution and licensing negotiations, etc.)?
I have a site with both English and Japanese blogs. I ping & amplify out to Twitter (Eng/Japan accts), FB, etc., but do not get seen, in fact.
I have a site with both English and Japanese blogs. I ping & amplify out to Twitter (Eng/Japan accts), FB, etc., but do not get seen, in fact.