These are excellent suggestions for non profits to include in their tool kit. This is a partial clip, click through to check out the full descriptions and commentary.
Do you have any suggestions that could be added to this list? The objective is to find tools that are very cost effective or free that will greatly help non-profits. I think #amplify could be added to the list. A group Amplog would be a great way to share ideas and resources.
1. Mobify
Given the huge uptake in mobile web use, you know by now that if your site isn’t optimized for mobile devices, you are likely missing out on opportunities left and right to connect with your audiences.
But creating a well-designed mobile version of your site from “scratch” can cost you in expensive programming time.
2. Google Grants for Google AdWords
Google offers $10,000 per month free advertising to qualified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations serving the arts, education, health, science, technology, and volunteering.
The ads run through the Google AdWords pay-per-click advertising program and can be used to solicit donations, recruit volunteers, promote events, and more.
3. Animoto
Animoto has become a popular tool for magically creating professional looking videos with no budget, no camera, and little technical skill.
It couldn’t be easier to produce an Animoto video. You simply load images, text, select music, and wait about 10 minutes while Animoto whips up a video that looks like these.
4. Donor Tools
Read more at www.waxingunlyrical.comDonor Tools is one of many, many non-profit fundraising and outreach donor management systems. Why do I like it? It’s extremely affordable, newish but not beta, web-based, and offers simple functionality for those looking for just the basics in managing donations.