Saturday, April 23, 2011

Triberr: The Blog Amplification Platform

Why I stopped Commenting on Your Blog

The First Thing Everyone Notices

You will notice that you have the total of 4 tribes on your left hand side.

In addition to being a member of your original (invite) tribe; you are also the Chief of 3 tribes.

You have complete control over these tribes:

You can rename them if you like (we autogenerate World of Warcraft guild names as your tribe names, but these can be changed under Settings)

You can invite whoever you like (under Invites)

You can change the assigned category (under Settings) and much more.

Enjoy building out your tribes. The true power of Triberr is achieved once your tribes are filled to the brim.

Biggest Initial Challenge

The biggest challenge at first will be to properly configure your Twitter and RSS connections.

If you see your Twitter avatar in Triberr, it is configured correctly and you can relax.

If you don’t see your Twitter avatar, watch this video to learn how to fix it.

Your RSS feed.

We are having some trouble with the Atom RSS feeds at this time. The native RSS and feedburner RSS are fully supported.

Note: You will see an annoying RSS message when you first create your account and before your first post is tweeted.

It’s just a reminded to make sure your RSS is correct. And if you have any doubts, contact me for further help.

So what do you do on Triberr?

You build tribes.

To learn the best ways of building tribes, I recommend you see the original article for the following resources:

How To Maximize The Potential Of Your Blogging Tribe

How NOT To Build Tribes

3 Master Tribe Strategies to Reach Multiplication

Top 3 Tribe Building Strategies for Bloggers

The Age Of Social Media Superstars Is OVER!!!

Deep in the thick of it, with four of my own Tribes already > @osakasaul