Looking to support @knikkolette here is her Kickin' It With Triberr Tribe Open Offer:
As promised... we've been working on a system to invite members of #TeamKickin into Triberr and still keep Triberr effective for everyone who participates and keep #TeamKickin growing and active as well as trying to keep everything fair within the group. With valuable insights from the Triberr guru Sual Fleischman and some helpful guidance from another Kickin member, the following is what we came up with:
Kickin’ it With Klout Triberr Rules
Kickin’ it With Klout is starting a new Triberr Tribe called of course “Kickin it With Klout” This tribe is a beta tribe as is the group, so please remember this when we are setting rules and find we may need to change rules. Because this group is based on increasing our KLOUT scores, there will NOT be a minimum requirement of Twitter followers to join Triberr, HOWEVER you are required to use your Twitter account with the largest number of followers to join the tribe as well as these other requirements. You should have a quality blog which you post to on a regular basis. If your regular basis is once a week that’s fine, as long as it’s a set schedule. Please do not post more than once a day as the group grows, posting more than once a day will burden Triberr’s systems. If you post to your blog more than once a day there is a way to set custom rss feeds so only ONE post goes to Triberr. NO “adult” content anywhere on your site. No excessive advertisements, or ads of any kind within a blog post. If we have to “look” for your blog through all of the ads, your blog does not qualify. Proofreading is a must. An occasional error is understandable, but blatant spelling and grammar errors make you and the group look unprofessional and uneducated. When you sign up into the tribe you agree to contribute 30 bones or 1 seat so we can continue to grow the tribe. This is what we are calling a “launchpad” tribe. This is where you will grow and learn about Triberr, then you will start your own tribes. Settings within Triberr. In order for members to be successful in raising their Klout scores, the blog posts need to be tweeted. If it comes to my attention from another member or through observation a member has not been tweeting blog posts on a consistent basis, we may need to review what the issue is and if that member should remain in the tribe. We will always try to come to an agreement through discussion before removing the member from the tribe. Inbreeding. Inbreeding is when you have your own tribe, you have 6 members and you are able to invite members from other tribes to join yours after you spend 70 bones. (these are the current rules - they may change in the future) The Kickin’ It With Klout rules for inbreeding are as follows: a. If you are invited to another tribe through inbreeding you may do so, but you must remain loyal to your original tribe at all times. If you leave your original tribe, this is grounds for being removed from Kickin It With Klout FB group.