Friday, February 3, 2012

1. Let thyself be known
(We’ll likely follow you and accept your shares, like your stuff too)
Complete your profile, include links, see mine for an example. Click the blue “more” under my profile picture, upper left side of Note that you can include html code and include links to your blog and network profiles where you would like people to connect with you. Check that now and then, and see that there are no dead links or profiles on networks where your activity has tapered off greatly. As an example, there was once a wonderful profile and content aggregator called “Retagrr” that was light years beyond Xeeme for ease-of-use, connectability (with those who visited), and visual image. Retagrr went the way of the dodo, alas. I have been scrambling to remove the link to my Retaggr from SU and other sites. You don’t want to be sending people to dead links.

Set your Topics so that when you Stumble, relevant stuff comes your way. Hint: make the topics as specific as SU will allow, though you are constrained to existing word strings.

StumbleUpon topics that could serve my needs:

Bad: “Japanese woman” (far too vague; where I live, in their natural habitat, its as if they’re breeding them over here)

Better: “bored horny married Osaka woman” (but this might be too specific, and actually, “bored” is not a must. Also, moving to a topic I should probably be focusing on more, even “community manager sakai city” is not available from the explore box)

Yet Better: “community manager seeking”

StumbleUpon "Explore" search: to Stumble from and for SU-reviews and SU-comments (for tags)

Best: “seeking online community manager japan” (but this winds up being too specific and leads me to “online community manager,” so perhaps StumbleUpon is not a great place to look for job leads. Or eager women leads. Live and learn…? “Online community manager” is the closest StumbleUpon topic I could find). I’ll Stumble that. And I might use Online community manager as a tag in StumbleUpon reviews; we need to use StumbleUpon topics, rather than self-determined terminology for SU Reviews and Comments – since they connect with what Stumblers have set as their followed interests.

2. Power-follow, and unfollow, too
StumbleUpon allows you to only follow 500 Stumblers (people). Make them count, and refine who you follow from time to time. Follow people you know, to start, but understand that it will take some time to understand how they are going to use StumbleUpon. I get better and better at looking at a Stumbler’s number of likes, the recency of likes and what they like – and decide if the Stumbler is going to appreciate what I share to them, perhaps “SU-like” on occasion, and maybe not share tons of odd stuff to me. From Profile > Connections > Followers (or Following or Visitors, from the pull-down menu) > click on someone. When I see that someone’s latest likes and shares are very different from the topics I blog about and take guest posts for, I tend to unfollow them or do not follow back, though I see they are following me.

Example below: I can’t guess why this person followed me, but can pretty much be assured that they wont like my blog being shared to them and I don’t need their stuff either (and thus, I’ll unfollow someone who SU-likes/shares nothing but stuff that’s all off-brand for me):

This Stumbler's recent "Likes": Arts, Video Games, Bizarre/Oddities, Heavy Metal (not so great for me)

Follow those who generally support you, say, in LinkedIn, Facebook, etc., and then send them a message through StumbleUpon to let them know you followed them, welcome their shares, and appreciate their reviews, likes, and shares of your content – especially of your blog articles.

3. Can you hear me knockin’?
Don’t let your “visitors” get away without a look-see. You have visitors! Don’t let them escape without at least a look-see.

Every couple days, from Profile > Connections > Visitors, from the pull-down menu, see who you don’t already know (they could be people you are already connected to who simply looked at your likes most recently), and see what their stats tell you. What do they like? How often, and when was the last time they shared content? If they shared content similar to what you blog on, there’s a high liklihood that they will like and/or share your stuff, and appreciate what you might – on occassion only – share with them.

I look at these factors before following them. If I do so, I typically send them a message; this let’s them know that I probably actually use StumbleUpon. You’ll find, in time, that people jump on and sometimes fall off the SU frequent-user train.