He is paying it forward by revving up the backend development progress, allowing us to roll out features faster than ever. Here’s what’s new in what we intend to build into the most powerful, multi-networkhashtags discovery and optimization social media tool, RiteTag:
To be able to share my Angellist hashtags report, I will click on “Public Library” so I can share it, and also, it will appear in searches of Reports in RiteTag.
Order Reports, use them when they have some percentage of completion, and when they reach 100%, save them to either “Private” (no one sees them but you) or “Public library. The process looks like this:
In your Report Queue, after ordering reports, you will see them picking up data over time. When they reach 100%, the “Move to a library” button will appear on the cover page of the Report. I like to first, click on the report, see what it tells me, and decide which library to save it to (or even delete it, if the tags associated with my query term are actually not of use).
Choose which library to save the report to based on whether you are willing to have it seen and shared outside RiteTag – since Public Reports are shareable. Even those not signed in – or even registered – for RiteTag can view and use Public Reports:
Where do I find my Reports, and also the Public Reports created by other RiteTaggers?
On your Reports page, you see your Queue, with Reports taking on data over time. Below that, your Private Library. Just below that, all Public Reports that you have created. At the bottom, our favorite reports appear in the Featured section:
RiteTaggers can now share content from any network to Twitter, Google+, or Facebook.
“Save” has been working for weeks, allowing us to curate and aggregate content in RiteTag Collections – that you define and refine, with content from multiple networks and from multiple Reports, Public or Private. The Share button allow me to share a fully-editable update discovered in the content tab from any tag, any network in a Report. For starters, we can share to Facebook, Twitter, and Google+: