Pow-Wow on Getting StumbleUpon Triberr-Ready
Posted by OsakaSaul on August 21, 2011 in English | Leave a comment
Triberr’s integrating with StumbleUpon
I, for one, want to know how the integration and the sharing will happen.
It might not be ala TriberrXTwitter, or, a StumbleUpon “like” or “recommendation” is not a going to go far, but then, we simply don’t know how Triberr is going to tap into tribemembers’ StumbleUpon accounts.
Let’s Pow-Wow on getting ready, and understanding how it will work. It may or may not be the sharing we know in the Triberr X Twitter style, I’m thinking. Standards may change, to meet StumbleUpon’s needs, theoretically (looking at the “safe for work/not” issue).
Let’s all talk – and with Triberr and with interested bloggers and other Triberr Chiefs (who are actually going strong with Triberr), let’s trade ideas on getting as ready as possible before the integration of StumbleUpon in Triberr.
What we are not discussing yet are the actual dynamics. We need to know, we need to be able to answer our tribespeoples’ questions.
Example: will my blog simply be recommended to you via Stumble, or will (as with Triberr X Twitter) my blog articles be auto-shared by your StumbleUpon account. This would be awesome. See what I mean?
Let’s do a little multi-time-zone series, maybe get Dan and/or Dino in on the fun, and for as much insight they would like to or are prepared to provide? I am posting this in Facebook now as well – since I hope you ll see this, but I’d like to do this conference with you all in either a hangout or SKYPE.
Perhaps roughly 10,000 times more than in a tedius “tweetchat,” I would prefer to conference with you all in a Google+ Hangout or SKYPE, actually, to give-n-take ideas with you all on prepping our own Stumbleupon accounts in advance of Triberr integration. SKYPE works for nearly all. G+ Hangouts work (audio, at least) for many. Tweetchats I find discordant, subject-veering, unengaged… People 10%-engaged…People mystified as to how to work the thing.
Let’s do this another way, thus?
Would be fabulous to get +Dan Cristo and +Dino Dogan to join, no?
IDEAS…? When’s good, Dan/Dino/et al?
I’ll work with you on that.