Thursday, August 25, 2011

Tweeting Just Enough
Posted by OsakaSaul on August 25, 2011 in English | Leave a comment

If you’re actually looking to tweet more often without wasting time, here’s a good way to do it:

First, consider why you’re tweeting. Is it really necessary? Not everyone needs a Twitter account, we’ve only been brainwashed to think so.
Tweet 4 times daily. Writing a tweet takes less than 2 minutes.
Some of these can just be links. That takes even less than 2 minutes, especially if you have a browser plugin.
Use a desktop application (or iPhone) to set alarms at specific times of the day if you’re not tweeting.
If you are new to Twitter, try using Keep on Posting to make sure you don’t fall behind your average tweet frequency.

Got a little more time? Then do what should make up 90% of your timeline: comment on blogs and tweets, and share them in Twitter. Promote others, and the world will love you.

Need followers, no time and no patience for building an account of uninteresting tweeps? This helps and is great for the non-techies out there:

Quickly Growing a Targetted Following:

Most twitter scheduling tools allow you to pre-schedule a selection of posts in a given date and time. Doing this may mean spending more than an hour each day searching for the latest buzz on the Web that you think your followers may find worthy, on top of entering each info into the system… eating up too much of your time already when you could have spent it in talking to your tweeple for real. This is why there are Twitter scheduling tools like Hootsuite, Tweetdeck, etc. that let you grab feeds from your favorite blogs or messages from your text file – without you thinking of which time and date it will be posted for the tool will do it randomly for you, as if you’re doing it for real.