Thursday, June 7, 2012

#geekfight via #ritetag-powered searc...

geekfight via ritetag-powered search of goap via @OsakaSaul

June 7, 2012

I wont suggest that the Dave McClure 500 Startups clan return to Prague

Not in the blog post title, at least,

I will give you a quick example of the greatness of the Discovery Tabs in RiteTag, however.

I searched ‘GOAP’ in RiteTag, and from the center column, “select the right tags,” I thought geekfight looked interesting enough to click on. Having done so, I get the following:

geekfight via goap via has just opened for beta testers, is 2/3 Czech-owned, and would love to present our vision and demonstrate our MVP.

About Saul Fleischman

Working with social web apps developers on getting things made: my role tends to be functionality ideation, user experience, and also, marketing communications and community development.