“Interact with this post,” wrote Ryan Crowe, in G+
I interacted, from Ryans content, found in Google+, in RiteTag:
“I found this post with a G+ search of “power of tagging.” I care about this topic because mybootstrapped startup site is http://www.ritetag.com in which you can search words and strings and find the tags most appropriate for your topic – and do this for numerous social networks.”
Tags are searched, tags and followed, and tags are columned in Twitter clients tags like Hootsuite
Tagging gets our social media content seen by far more than our own followers on the social networks we share on. Tags give us reach, and if used responsibly, give us reach with relevancy. RiteTag discovery tabs provide the examples of how tags are used, so we may use them thoughtfully – relevantly.
A single tag may be used for more than one purpose, though some tags are truly “owned” by one social movement, tweetchat group, brand, club, venture capital group, or other entity.
With RiteTag, I find you, and who the authorities on a tag are
RiteTag suggests tags that are used extensively with a topic word or search string that you search, and you also can learn about tags you may not know, but with the discovery tabs, suggest what the tags are about. You also learn, in RiteTag, what’s going on in places searched. And as for “I find you,” you also see which accounts are most actively using a tag. Here’s how I discovered that
Metallica just played Prague, Czech Republic
RiteTag is growing, even before we open to a private beta group
The screenshot above shows RiteTag – when we had just four social networks (to search tags on) integrated, and discovery tabs (right side) showed just content and accounts that shared content with selected tags. Here’s where we were on June 17, 2012, with 8 networks fully integrated, and a third discovery tab – showing a stats on when a tag was used:
Now that I know, from RiteTag, the #metontour tag, rather than searching a term, I just searched “metontour”:
With more social networks to search tags on, I left Slideshare, Picasa, and Flickr unselected, searched just Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Google+, and eBay. I found the tag (currently) quiet on Twitter and eBay, got good stuff from the others, and am showing here what I I found by doing just this, in about 30 seconds:
- Enter “Metontour” in the search box
- Twitter is selected by default (can be deselected), to which I also selected Instagram, YouTube, Google, and eBay
- When networks began appearing on the right side, I clicked on Instagram
- I then selected the top tag, “metontour” from the “Select the right tags” (center) section. Note: a double-click will force a search. A single click on a tag from this section opens the right side stats tabs.
- RiteTag remembers that I had been looking at the content tab (under “#metontour Instagram stats,” right side, and so it starts me out with the first results for Instagram-shared photos with the “metontour” tag already expanded.
If I wanted, I could
- click on other tabs, data pre-loaded, to see who is using the “metontour” tag in Instagram
- switch to another network on the left side, to see tags and content shared with tags including and related to “metontour,”
- double-click on tags in the “select the right tags” area to force a search of tags related to any of those tags, or
- click on tags in the content area, under stats, for textual networks (Twitter, etc.) to force a search of those tags.
RiteTag, thus is mainly about finding the “rite” tags for content you aim to share, and reach more – but is also about finding people, accounts, tags and content that is related to your interest and being talked up right now.
As for where we are with RiteTag “rite” now, we hope you’ll kick the tires. RiteTag just asks for a Twitter login and answers to two questions to get in line to beta-test what we think is a one-of-a kind site and social media tool: not for SEO, but for
SSO: Social Sharing Optimization
Are you keen to find the tags that are most used for your topics and content?
What else would you like RiteTag to do, to optimize your tweets, eBay, Amazon (coming soon), G+ and other sales offers, blog articles, and other social media updates?
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