Sunday, September 2, 2012

Support for the new folks on Googleplus: #googleplustips needed

1. If new users sign up for Google Plus and a popup tour (and reminders on the homepage and the circles page) would tell them to go to Google Plus's Get Satisfaction page to get one on one tours of Google Plus, then many of us that devote our time to help people get started on G+ could easily find those people and help them find their way on Google Plus. This could help more people stay on Google Plus instead of leaving it and calling it a ghost town or boring. 


2. Google could dedicate a section in the Google Plus Group (Yes Google has Groups...they are more like forums.) to have help people that are needing one on one attention to get started right on Google Plus. Many of us could definitely help out there. We would still be using a Google Product and we could easily find new people. Google would need to point people to the Groups page for help from the homepage of G+ and from the Circles Page so that people could easily be reminded if they need help or a tour or help finding people to circle or need recommendations from actual active Google Plus users on who they might be interested in circling., they could go to the Google Plus Group for newcomers. (!forum/google-plus-discuss)

We need something to help new G+ users that are confused or dissatisfied with their first initial experiences with Google Plus. 

I bet there are a good handful of Google Plus users that would be willing to help out on the Google Plus Groups page or on a Get Satisfaction page.  

Saul Fleischman8:55 AMEdit
I like the idea, I would actively promote it - since as it stands, I often "hand-hold," and share#googleplustips  informally, so, as a big believer in give-n-take, and helping our soon-to-be G+