Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Pondering Why Google Execs Do Not Use G+

This is my condensed Amp of today's brilliant article in Mashable by Ben Parr. If for nothing else, you will delight in the infographic, "Google Management's Public Use of G+"

Let us know if you believe senior Google staff needs to or need not show they believe in G+ utility - by using their own network.

Amplify’d from

One of the most important rules in software is to eat your own dog food. The concept is simple: if you have confidence in your product, you should be using it.

Perhaps somebody should tell that to Google’s senior management, because they are failing to eat their own dog food when it comes to Google+.

The results aren’t pretty. Co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin have posted publicly on Google+ 22 times. Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt doesn’t even have a Google+ account, nothing short of an embarrassment when company bonuses are directly tied to social media success.

The rest of Google’ senior management isn’t any better. Chief Business Officer Nikesh Arora has never posted on Google+ and Chief Legal Officer David C. Drummond doesn’t even have an account. CFO Patrick Pichette, to his credit, has posted several times publicly.

Here’s another shocker: not one of Google’s six independent board members have ever posted publicly on Google+.

Leading By Example

Let’s start out with addressing a few caveats. First, these senior Googlers could be posting a ton privately and we simply don’t know it. But it’s more likely that their lack of public engagement is indicative of their lack of engagement overall. This is especially true of Google’s management, which has an incentive to promote Google+ publicly.

It doesn’t matter how you slice it: if Google’s management truly believed in Google+ as the future of the company, they would be more engaged. Not being connected to a product that has such a direct correlation to the company’s future is dangerous. This is about leading by example. Why should Google employees be excited about Google+ if their managers aren’t excited?

Google’s management is a busy group, but having only three members of its management team post more than 10 times sends a terrible message. It makes people question the commitment Google has to social.