Thursday, April 26, 2012

IdeasWatch Puts Eyes on Your Ideas ht...

IdeasWatch Puts Eyes on Your Ideas

Fellow Ideators - Can we help you?

The IW blog will have this and that; your first five “we met in IW and are building something” stories will get blasted far and wide. I stake my reputation on this.
We would like to put your startup story on the top page of IdeasWatch and also feature your story on our Blogger blog and then…

The first five IdeasWatch members (Ideators) to provide a story of how they met in IdeasWatch and are starting to make something, or launch a new business, organization, program or website – will all get a large boost from me, OsakaSaul (Saul Fleischman), the community development guy at IdeasWatch. We’ll take what we can get, include your link (okay, not your Amazon sales-pitch things, of course) to your new site, your professional profile and/or Twitter handle links, and make no mistake: if there’s any connection made within IdeasWatch that is beginning to blossom into a team and onwards towards a new startup, the story is perfect fro the top page blog of IdeasWatch and our external Blogger.
Promote your IdeasWatch connection story?
Yes! On our blog, which will get shared, of course. is for people with ideas – the “Ideators“
Even half-ideas count. We launch ideas in IdeasWatch to get feedback, learn of similar existing sites/apps/etc., and also, to team up on each others’ projects.

Have any of us met in IW and started working on a collaboration of any kind? We would like to feature you – and also your site URL(s) if you’d like, Twitter accounts, etc.

We want these stories and the ability to show you and your progress off to the entire IdeasWatch community, through our blog (see it embedded – right in the center of the main page of IW!)

Just send your story and any attached image files, etc., with links included and full Twitter handles (for example, not @osakasaul but ) to

I offered a great opportunity to those wanting to get their new baby “out there,” by importing the IdeasWatch blog – right on the top page of, and then suggesting that it will mainly be from our members, not from the founder or myself.

Get your internet startup promoted - big time!

Launch something new and you go from “offering” to randomly blasting and spamming LinkedIn groups – and in short form, onwards and downwards to the emotional blackmail of friends and family to get them to check in and comment or like anything, even once a week. Unless, of course, what you have created is actually a reinvention of the wheel. Its tough out there.

What are IdeasWatch Ideators sharing?
Here’s my latest Idea to be launched: Register for several new sites – at one time

Perhaps you launch a new social network, review site, or web application. You test all you can yourselves and with a few friends, but then, you need a “seed” community to get traction. Many of us – such as the membership of IdeasWatch and the Yammer-based StartupGuild – would be happy to do a reciprocal thing: let’s register and try each others’ new sites.

Registering for 10 or 50 sites, one by one, is time-consuming. If there was one page and perhaps a tick-box to multi-register deal, I’d gladly register to many fellow internet startup innovators’ sites and give them a fair try. Naturally, we’d want to “stagger” additions to the list of sites to register on, perhaps monthly or even every 3 months, so anyone participating would do many registrations at once, not just one or a few – and thus, make this multi-registration clearly a time-saver.

Reciprocation: if I have learned nothing else from my 20 years in Japan, this is something you do learn here. (Moving my idea from Yammer to here.) Launch something new and you go from “offering” to randomly blasting and spamming LinkedIn groups – and shortly, on to emotional blackmail of friends and family to get them to check in and comment or like anything, even once a week. Unless, of course, what you have created is actually a reinvention of the wheel. Its tough out there.
Check out IdeasWatch – even without registration or any sign-in

(but your ideas and comments, etc. are all done anonymously).

Profile completion in IW is a snap!

Register and sign-in through your choice of networks and you can contribute with your name/pseudonym and get input on what you think might be a worthwhile thing to build and launch. You might even get people selecting the “I wanna do this” option – and telling you what they would like to bring to your team. All features within IdeasWatch are free, of course, and are presented as a labor of love for fellow Ideators by founder Michal Hudeček (of Maintop Businesses) (Prague) and I.

About Saul Fleischman

Working with social web apps developers on getting things made: my role tends to be functionality ideation, user experience, and also, marketing communications and community development.