Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What is your favorite bartering social media platform, and why?

I need a solid SNS to use with a documentary director - who is tech-savvy, but has never invested the time that we have with social media. What I use regularly for language corrections (I get Japanese / give English) is; not direct trades, but rather, you correct a few random users' entries, and generally can get your "weak" language entries corrected within hours. I want something like this - but not for copywriting/editing, but rather for work in general. For the documentary director, I hypothesized that a documentary could be produced nearly completely through bartering. However, finding the people with the time and the skills and ownership/cheap access to the video/sound/lighting/editing deck+software/etc. would be a tough challenge. If there is an SNS for skils/work bartering, I am ready to study it. In fact, I asked about this in my latest favorite toy, Quora.

Quora is on fire, folks. I have suggested Quora to several KdL members who I especially look out for, and I see already that I am not alone in being active in Quora. It is great to get questions answered, but also offers lessons to us all, if you spend the time with Quora, in watching how Quora develops functionality - through its growing pains - and also, simply to learn from the brilliant questions that others ask and answer.