Saturday, September 3, 2011
Triberr Tripping 1/2
Posted by OsakaSaul on September 2, 2011 in English | 3 Comments

I got into a great exchange of comments with @extremejohn, after reading and commenting on the blog of yet another acquaintance I know through Triberr. I titled this post “Triberr Tripping” because I could really relate with John, having helped a number of people who “tripped up” in the choice of tribes they joined, and pondered tribe-jumping or even leaving Triberr completely. The original article is

I commented:

Happy to know Robert, Dino, so many great bloggers, businesspeople, real social media thinkers – like you – via Triberr, let me tell you, as for using them thar’ bones, and inviting people, its takes work, but rewards. I have many, many times more ignored invitations than I have people who accepted mu invites. (If you check me out in “members” you may find that I am actually not the worst of the slackers as for taking the Triberr ball and running with it, and a couple of my tribes have some stellar attributes – yet, I am telling you, the majority of bloggers who would immediately take benefit from being in one of my tribes just don’t see how my offer asks little/provides lots.

As for the auto/manual thing, with respect, John, I know that Triberr must have that option in there. It problematic though, because members are always nagging me, “Saul, does that guy EVER tweet your stuff?! Nary a once for me, so, could you ask him to either get down with the program, go auto like the other 90-something percent of us do, or at least be considerate enough to check in to Triberr now and again, and let through SOME of our blog posts?” (John, I know nada about your case – just talking about what I see within two of the Tribes I built myself, okay?).

Finally, enjoy an excerpt from my Triberr “Bonfire” on what Karma actually is – to users, rather than what it is to the Tenacious Triberr Twinz:

to the Triberr owners, its about up/down-voting blog posts. This makes sense. What makes sense as well – probably even moreso – is what Karma is for Triberr users: the majority of us are on “auto,” and I believe that considerate members on auto are not crying foul when members on “manual” check in regularly and let through a good percentage of our posts. Bad karma, however, is when you are the guy on manual who is enjoying the majority of us tweeting EVERYTHING of yours – but you just pop in to Triberr twice a week and pick and choose only, say, 1 in 3 of our posts that you will deign to tweet. This is “bad karma” – in the eyes of the community. Many members I speak with complain of this, for what its worth. Not a few, but many.

So please, if you will not go auto, kindly recognize that:
1. you are getting more than you are giving, so give what you can; check in daily and let through the majority of the posts (or be considerate enough to leave a tribe in which a big fraction of the blog posts are not worthy of your precious Twitter account);
2. you might consider starting with manual, but if it is a rare blog post that offends your sensibilities, think about changing to auto, please?
Hint: if you are a member of a tribe in which I am the Chief, and you are on manual, I have been defending you; third of the auto-set members are privately emailing/SKYPE-ing me, asking me if you *ever* tweet any of our blog posts. Thus, it has TRULY warmed the heart to see a couple, JUST a couple people change, without being asked, of course, from manual to auto. “Thank you” for THAT good karma.
I’ll tell you that I am starting to think about ways of *gently* coaxing the delicate in our midst – to either remove themselves from my tribes, or go auto. For a while, sure. But when we do not offend, you either go auto or check in frequently to vett posts, or yeah, I will cry “foul.”

Funny stuff going on – people stuff – in Triberr, eh?

The rest of the opinion-sharing between John and I begins with hi reply and is in tomorrow’s Triberr Tripping 2/2